As I stated in my last entry, my company has finally begun to shut down. Things happened super fast. After our notices a few weeks ago we wrapped production, all our production people were released and we started breaking everything down. There are only like 10 of us left and it is super quiet. My coworker and I have been showing up to pretty much hang out and wait around in case something happens. Yesterday we both arrived a few minutes late and my fucktard of a boss chewed us out for not being on time. After that we sat around and waited all day for the dumpsters to be emptied (never happened) and left 2 hours early for lack of anything to do. Seriously? You are going to bitch because I am ten minutes late and I dont end up doing a fucking thing ALL DAY!?
My mind, it was boggled.
Boss man tells me that he wants to hold on to me and the other shipping guy until after the auction which is October 6th, I was hoping to be out of here before then.
In School related news, I am about midway through intro to IT already. My professor is actually pretty effing awesome, and he looks EXACTLY like Tommy lee Jones. There is also a kid in my class who could be Dane Cook's twin.
I've not been to the gym in almost 2 months (bad Rob! Bad!) But in my defense it had been quite hectic at work trying to get everything finalized. I was sweating my ass off for 8 hours a day and the last thing I had the energy to do at the end of it was truck my tired ass to the gym for another 2 hours of sweat and labor. Hopefully once I am finally released from purgatory I can get myself onto a better routine. My plan is to follow in the footsteps of my friend Nicki who has begun her journey to become a runner. I would like to start running and riding my bike and trying to eat healthier. We'll see.
And that's about that. I'm on the verge of stepping into the great unknown, and that is where this whole blog should get interesting. I stated in my original post that this blog was meant to chronicle my unemployment, job/career search and education. And this; hopefully, is the beginning.