Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Mediocre Man vs. The Darker Matters of the Heart

It has been a few days since my last post. I don't really have an excuse other than that nothing of particular noteworthiness has occured since then. I have been host to no epiphanies or quirky observations about the human condition, no transcendant ideas or anecdotal stories of my rapidly (though not rapidly enough) depleting tenure at work. The fact is though, I want to be vigilent with this blog. I have started several other blogs only to see them wither and die a pitiful death under my negligent care.

English 121 is proving to be a challenge. The course load isnt all that bad, there is homework to be done but nothing that is unmanageable. The professor is young and attractive which makes up for her somewhat dry and subdued methodology. The challenge is my own lack of creativity at the moment. As I mentioned before this is my 4th English class in a row and I am already burnt out on writing.

My young and attractive professor assigned several essays to read, and we were tasked with responding to one of our choosing with a 1 page paper. I will share the one I chose to respond to as it was rather well written and engaging; so much so that I put the book that it was pulled from on my wish list for later. The essay is called Dark Matter by Gretchen Legler and is part of her larger work entitled On the Ice.

Note: The pdf for the essay was created by the professor who failed to rotate the images to be readable... you may have to print it or save it to your computer and use adobe reader to rotate it as I cant seem to figure out how to  rotate it and save it.

And the response I wrote just in case you are curious... just keep in mind there is a fair amount of BS thrown in there for flavor. ;)

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