Tonight was my first English 121 class. I am a little nervous about this one. I'm not overly concerned with the writing bit, or the research bit, or the class participation bit. I am, however, a little nervous about the sheer magnitude of it in this class. The professor seems nice. She is rather young, probably close to my own age, and she seems very structured and organized (something I am not accustomed to after 3 classes in a row with my last professor who can best be described as an organized whirlwind of high octane chaos).
We have 3 papers due in an 8 week course. The first is a 2-3 page informational essay on the topic of my choosing, the second is a 2-3 page argumentative essay on said topic, and the third is a 6-8 page essay on the same topic. Sprinkled amongst all those papers are reading assignments, written responses to said reading responses, a mid term. and a final exam.
I had originally intended to take a break from English classes this term and go with a math class. I'm kinda burnt out on writing essays after having taken 3 English classes back to back to back already. I figured with a math class I didn't need to be all that creative. Numbers are numbers and are pretty static in their interpretation.
My classmates from last term all signed up to move into 121, and considering how fun and awesome they all were I decided to tag along with them for another term. Here's to hoping I don't regret it. I think next term Wheeler (ball of organized chaos mentioned above) is teaching public speaking, a course I both dread and look forward to, and we are all tentatively planning to crash his party.
This whole adult learning thing is exhausting... yet entirely rewarding.
Well your motivation seems high, your outlook positive, and from what I've read your skill & talent evident, so I am sure you'll do just fine.