Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mediocre Man vs. The Halfwit Professor

So, GF and I are going to Jamaica at the end of October (woohoo!) and this just so happens to coincide with the last week of term 1. I talked to my (extremely attractive) adviser and she recommended I contact the professor for the course I am taking next term to see if we could work out something that allowed me to take the course rather than skipping a term. So I sent him this email:

Good day Professor Halfwit (names changed to protect the retarded),

My name is Mr. Awesome (name changed to protect my anonymity), I am planning on taking your Intro to IT course next term. I spoke with *hot adviser girl* about a small issue I have regarding the end of the term. My girlfriend and I have planned and paid for a trip to Jamaica the week of October 23-30. This just happens to coincide with the last week of the term, and I imagine finals as well. *Hot adviser girl* suggested that I contact you to see if you would be amenable to the idea of allowing me to do some extra course work and perhaps taking the final early so as to avoid the necessity of taking off the entirety of the term to accommodate our trip. Any assistance you might offer in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Mr. Awesome

Now, I know I can sometimes fall into the trap of over utilizing my sizable vocabulary ( I swear I try to only use my powers for good... really!) but I thought I was pretty straight forward and concise in asking if I could do more work and do my final early so as to take the last week of the course off to go to Jamaica. Feel free to inform me otherwise.This is what I got back:

The only option is to complete the final early.  You would need to complete all course requirements and take the final  in week 7.


Ummm... isn't that what I just fucking said?  Thanks for not answering my question at all! Now I am trying to figure out a way of responding that doesn't involve me calling him a complete fucktard while still eliciting the yes or no response I was originally after. Best to not berate the person I am begging favors from I suppose. 

On the plus side, if this mouth breather can become a college professor, maybe I should listen to my English professor and become a teacher, after all... I couldn't possibly be as bad as this baddie.


  1. Just be all,

    Dearest Professor Half-Wit,

    Great! I'd be happy to take the final in week seven. Thank you for working with me on this matter, and I look forward to taking your class this fall.

    Love and kisses,
    Mr. Awesomeberry.

    Then save the e-mails and you should be fine.

    PS-- You might want to adjust the greeting and signature, but really that's all just a matter of taste.

  2. I think I might just use that... and I might just leave in the love and kisses for an easy A.

  3. At least you're getting what you asked for, who cares how dumb he is! :Þ
