Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mediocre Man vs. Vacation & Turning 32

Last week I decided it was high time I took a vacation. I didn't necessarily need to go anywhere or do anything, I just needed to get away from work for a while to reinvigorate myself. Besides, I hate working on my birthday. I don't make a big deal out of my birthday (unless it gains me an advantage, e.g. "It's my birthday... you should get up and get me a drink" etc.) but I hate being in work for my birthday. It all started a few years back when I worked at BN and the M.O.D, Lauren, decided that my birthday teamed with a full house for open mic night would be an excellent opportunity to surprise me in the middle of the store with balloons and that obnoxious "happy birthday to you" song sung by a room full of strangers. Suffice to say I was not impressed.

Aaaaaanyway, I took the week off and did as little as humanly possible. Friday night we took our niece Kass for the night and had a nice relaxing evening at home. We watched Matilda and ate popcorn. The girls woke me up with the intoxicating aroma of bacon and pancakes and we picked up our other niece Kota to go see Despicable Me (a highly entertaining jaunt that I can't recommend enough). Saturday evening I stopped at the bottom of the hill to hang out with our friend Lissa for her birthday celebration, which conveniently coincided with a fireworks display for the Exeter Independence Festival. Mr. Maggie (James) regaled us with an impromptu set of accoustic tunes and fun was had by all. Sunday-Wednesday were pretty chill days of hanging out at home alone playing WoW and tearing through seasons 2 and 3 of Lost.

Wednesday the GF took the day off and we had a nice day together that consisted of me saying "it's my birthday, you should *insert menial task here*" a lot. Thursday-Saturday consisted of more WoW, more Lost up to midway through season 4, and a quick hop out to Portsmouth on Friday for lunch at the Red Hook Brewery with a few friends/coworkers that share the same birthday (give or take a day). I had their chicken tenders (meh) and a couple Mudslinger Spring Ales which were quite tasty.

Sunday we had some family over to the house for a small summer BBQ which turned out to be a pretty nice day (as in nobody tried to kill anyone else, which in my family seems to be quite an accomplishment these days). I managed to get a few decent shots for my photography course during the BBQ which I will share in another entry soon.

Over all a very relaxing week off from the hell pit. I totally needed it and think I will now be able to get to the finish line (more on that later) with a little more ease.

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